Buyer Registration

Your buyer account status can always be upgraded later should you decide to sell. Please go the seller registration page if you wish to sell at EveryPart which also gives you full buyer status. Your e-mail address is mandatory, and your registration will not be validated if your e-mail address cannot be confirmed. This information is not recorded via e-mail. It will be posted to our Registered Users database directly pending confirmation.

Personal Information

First Name Last Name
Address (1) Address (2)
City State
Zip Country
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Now select your User ID and password. (case does not matter).

User ID Password Confirm

I agree that by submitting this registration that a) the information provided by me is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that b) purposefully providing false information in order to wrongly participate in an auction could be considered criminal activity, and c) should the situation arise, I hereby authorize the site to release relevant information to involved parties for settlement of dispute. I also understand and agree that by registering I am stating that I will participate in auctions according to the rules and regulations provided. I have also read and acknowledge the limits of liability as stated in the Operations Policy.

Please verify the above information is correct before submitting!







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